“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. Point out to them how the nominal winner is often the real loser — in fees, expenses and waste of time.”
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Lol Sorensen mediates and arbitrates a broad range of complex disputes. His areas of expertise include the following:
Probate, Trust and Conservatorship
“Forgiveness is not something we do for someone else, but to free ourselves from unhealthy pain, anger and shame.”
Kenneth Cloke
Mediating Dangerously
The multi-disciplinary approach to mediation employed by Lol Sorensen is well suited to the resolution of probate and elder law disputes in which delicate relationships, as well as valuable property rights, are at stake.
Lol litigated a wide variety of probate, trust and estate cases, including matters that were heard by the California Supreme Court (Rice v. Clark (2002) 28 Cal. 4th 89; and Estate of Griswold (2001) 25 Cal. 4th 904).
He has successfully mediated a wide variety of probate and elder law disputes — many involving tens of millions of dollars — including:
Real Estate
In his law practice, Lol specialized in handling many types of real property disputes. As a mediator, He has settled real estate cases in numerous areas of the law, including:
“Any method of negotiation may be fairly judged by three criteria: It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible. It should be efficient. And it should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties.”
Roger Fisher and William Ury
Getting to Yes
Lol Sorensen has settled a broad range of commercial disputes, including:
Business disputes are best resolved through mediation, rather than litigation.
Lol has successfully mediated a wide variety of business disputes, including:
Employment disputes are emotionally charged and require great skill to resolve. Lol has the skill, experience, and expertise to resolve employment and workplace disputes, including:
Lol Sorensen handled a diversity of tort actions as a trial lawyer. He has resolved hundreds of tort cases, including:
Pre-Litigation Mediation
“Contain if necessary, resolve if possible, best of all prevent.”
William Ury
The Third Side
Alternative forms of dispute resolution are under-utilized in society. As Chief Justice Warren Burger declared:
“Traditional litigation is a mistake that must be corrected. . . . For some disputes trials will be the only means, but for many claims trial by adversarial contest must in time go the way of the ancient trial by battle. Our system is too costly, too painful, too destructive, too inefficient for really civilized people.”
It is never too early to mediate any type of dispute in which ongoing relationships are jeopardized. These include probate, trust and conservatorship matters, family business and partnership disputes, workplace disputes, supply and service contracts, homeowner’s association issues, and neighborhood disputes. In such disputes, the mere filing of a complaint can sever valuable relationships, not to mention result in enormous financial cost.
Given his multi-disciplinary training and expertise, Lol Sorensen specializes in working with parties — with or without lawyers — to resolve disputes and restore relationships before litigation is filed.